Thursday 10 September 2015

This Could Save Millions of Lives: Study Finds That Celery Destroys 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Most of us are aware that we have to include celery into our diet, since it is an amazing vegetable, but apart from its numerous health benefits, it is also a potent weapon in the fight against cancer.
A recent study discovered this common food to be able to kills up to 86% of the cancer cells in the lungs. Namely, celery contains a powerful anti-cancer compound called apigenin, which is known to kill different types of cancer cell including ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and breast cancers.

This was also proved by research which found that women who consume plenty amounts of apigenin through their diet are more likely to reduce the risk of getting ovarian cancer by 20%, and breast cancer by 19%.
Moreover, Chinese researches have shown that the consumption of one serving of two medium stalks of celery 2 to 3 times a week reduces the risk of getting lung cancer  by 60%. However, it is not proved yet whether apigenin  acts against cancer on its own or in combination with the other beneficial celery compounds.
On other hand, vascular endothelial growth produces  a protein that  stimulates formation of new blood vessels, but this protein’s disadvantages  are  that  it  also helps the growth of cancerous tumors.
However, apigenin reduces the possibility of tumor growth  by decreasing the growth of vascular endothelial as well as  the growth of prostate, thyroid, leukemia and lung cancers.
Apigenin also reduces the cycle of forming cancer cells in the pancreas since it prevents the glucose uptake.
To sum up, there are a number of reasons why you should add celery into your daily diet. It offers numerous health benefits, it prevents cancer growth, it is a great antioxidant, and an extraordinary source of fiber.
You can include it in your everyday diet by adding it to salads, stir fries, soups, vegetable smoothies or salsa. Nevertheless, yous should always take care to buy and consume in an organic and free of pesticides form.

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